Panna cotta is one of those #italiandesserts that is very easy to make and it's delicious in many combinations. This recipe combines classic flavours with a boozy twist thank you to the fragrance of Drambuie
You can substitute some of the milk with mascarpone or clotted cream for a more decadent result and flavour with a different preferred liqueur.
The ingredients will make 2 or 3 depending on your size container. I used IKEA moulds of about 7 cm, but you could use glasses without having to unmould.
For a crunchy finish, I added some cocoa nibs caramelised in honey, but these can be also sieved, and leave you just with the chocolatey syrup.
2 gelatine leaves
300ml double cream
50ml milk
50ml Drambuie (optional)
40g icing sugar
3 tbsp dried camomile flowers - optional
40g good quality white chocolate - broken into small pieces - plus extra for the chocolate decorations
For the cocoa nibs - optional topping
2 tbsp cocoa nibs
1 pinch of sea salt flakes
60g water
60g honey
Place your gelatine leaves to bloom in cold water for 10 min.
In a medium saucepan, place the cream, milk, sugar, Drambuie, camomile flowers and bring to a gentle boil. Once the mixture has boiled, place it on one side and let the camomile infuse for 15 min.
After the mixture has cooled slightly, squeeze the gelatine leaves and add them to the warm creamy mixture.
Add your chocolate and let this sit for 5 minutes. After this time, stir your chocolate until completely melted, and sieve the cream into glasses or your preferred mould.
Place these in the fridge to set for a min of 3 hours, or overnight if prepared in advance.
For the cocoa nibs:
Place the water, cocoa nibs and salt in a saucepan and bring to a
gentle simmer.
Add the honey and combine until fully incorporated in the syrup. Set aside and cool, before using.
Serve your panna cotta in the glass or upside down on a plate and top with the cocoa syrup and white chocolate decoration.